Saturday, 4 February 2012

My Weapon Against Procrastination

So, I like to write. I know this may seem pretty obvious since I'm posting a blog, but it is important, so bear with me. I've been writing since I was seven. I'd like to be able to say I had some unique world-view or something new to offer the world or a distinct writing style or even particularly inspired characters, but in all honesty I don't know if any of that is true. I do know that writing calms me down, that it regulates me, and regardless of quality it always makes me feel like I've produced something; on a page, yes, but also in my head. I like the feeling of construction that writing gives you, the sense that you've mapped something out in your mind and then put down the thought-schematics. There's a satisfying sense of completion.

However, I find it difficult to write regularly; partly because of a longstanding illness that makes keeping to a schedule hard work, and partly because I'm a lazy bastard. This year I left school because of said illness, and it's not until this June that I'll be returning. I've been gone two months now and done nothing. So, you ask (no doubt with bated breath) - what's the point of this blog? Well, basically, it's to write. To write regularly, to structure my empty, pill-filled weeks with something to aim toward and dwell on. To give a routine other than doctor's appointments and "take two at nighttime". It breeds inactivity, and I'm tired of being that person.

So this blog stands as a way to try and stop me from procrastinating. Every two days, I will post some writing here, or I'll have to answer to cyberspace with an empty cyberapology of cyberplatitudes and cy- well, you get my point. I'm making myself accountable to the Internet, so that I develop what I'm doing.

I know enough about blogging to know that asking for no critique is pointless and hilariously naive, so I'll ask only that you keep it constructive. This is my attempt to metaphorically get off my arse. All I can say is, I hope it works.



  1. Hello Alex!

    I read you on groupthink on Jezebel. I just wanted to write a note of encouragement. I'm trying to write as well, but haven't gotten around to it yet... best of luck to us both, hey? It feels good, so we should do it more.

    Cheers, Jess

    1. You know, I feel like if more writers smiled sympathetically at each other, we'd all grease our wheels a lot's wishing you good luck!

  2. Hi

    I found your blog on P-Mag. I loved reading your comments on Jezebel. Your have a way with words. Love your stuff. I feel like we are almost friends now. Good luck.
